Peralatan Ampuh Yang Sering Aku Pake

Posted by agitsan2008 | 9/07/2010 10:13:00 PM | | 1 comments »

Beberapa minggu ini aku sering jengkel karena sering restore windows, wal hasil aku lupa sama tool yang ada di firefox yang sering aku pake hunting PR dan Link. Tulisan ini hanya untuk catatan saja.

1. Firefox ; tentu saja ini browser andalan karena dia mudah intergrated dengan fungsi yang laen tinggal pasang lalu pake

2. Search status ; add-on jenis ini aku pake untuk cek PR , alexa rank, ngecek cache blog

3. Nodofollow ; add-on jenis ini aku pake untuk cek apakah link itu dofollow ato nggak, jika diaktifkan maka link akan d tandai dengan warna biru untuk dofollow dan warna merah untuk nofollow

4. adblockplus ; add-on jenis ini untuk mengeblock iklan iklan yang berbasiskan java , image . Iklan yang membuat kita makin pusing kalo ngelihat selain itu dapt mempercepat akses loading internet

5.Seoquake ; add-on andalan yang multi fungsi, bisa cek PR, index,age,backlink,exitlink (outbond link), inlink dll



Cara buka URL domain yang ter-cache browser

Posted by agitsan2008 | 4/18/2010 07:30:00 PM | | 0 comments »

Ini tips sederhana aja ala new bi, kalo kamu develop blog baru, trus setelah install kok tampilan masih web masih sama kayak sebelom di develop ato kalo kamu pindahan hosting tapi kok tampilan ngarah ke hosting yang lama?,itu karena kamu pernah buka URL blog itu sebelumnya di hosting lama ato sebelum domain tersebut di develop,jadi firefox meng cache tampilan blog tersebut. Trus gimana caranya cek develop blog kamu udah berhasil ato belom
1. Kalo pake firefox kamu hapus dolo cache browser lewat tool trus clear recent history trus pilih everything dan pencet clear now
2. Tidak berhasil dengan cara diatas pake aja ini untuk buka blog mu

Yach gitu aja dech sekedar ingetin , kasi tau, sharing.semoga bermanfaat



Optimising PDF Files for SEO

Posted by agitsan2008 | 4/14/2010 06:29:00 PM | | 0 comments »

In search engine optimisation you can use PDF files for your content. Once you have a reason to use this type of file you need to think about SEO tactics you have used in non PDF content. Many of these techniques will be the same. First consider a keyword rich file name. You will want keywords relating to your site in the file name. You also need to make it specific enough that the consumer knows what they are looking at.

The document title needs to be properly created as well. A search engine will display the title you give the document. If it is not clear and concise the search engine may not realise a consumer would want to see that item. You also have to think about on page content search engine optimisation. As with any content you need keywords in your content. In fact you should have at least one keyword in the first two sentences, if not two. By using at least one keyword at the top you gain the search engines attention. Tags, text links, link building, and much more will help you. You also need to consider the Acrobat versions it will work with. Acrobat 9 is out, but most consumers are behind with Acrobat 7 or 8. Selengkapnya...


Posted by agitsan2008 | 3/29/2010 08:02:00 AM | 0 comments »



Best Buy consumer report

Posted by agitsan2008 | 2/26/2010 06:45:00 PM | | 1 comments »

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In our website you can find coupons or purchased from commercial species. If you know an online retailer and buy less, either press the Select a Merchant? and a brake on the list until you find it. This will take you to a page that offers the latest coupons, sales and events to the seller.


PC Help in Regwork

Posted by agitsan2008 | 2/06/2010 10:16:00 PM | | 0 comments »

In the internet, we may get many kinds of things that we need. For some of us, the internet is the best place to get many kinds of information that we would need for us. Some of us may have some problems with our PC. In this case, we would need some expert’s helps. We would have some chances to get some information about it in the internet by clicking the sites.

One of the sites that we could click the get some helps for some PC problems is the This is the perfect site for us to get some information about some problems with our PC. In the site above, we may have some chances to get some information about the registry cleaner. This is the perfect site to get some excellent information about many kinds of things that related to the PC conditions.

In the site above, we could also get some info about the registry editor. This is the best site that we may ask to get some info about the clean registry of the PC too. So, when you have some problems with your PC, please try to click the site above to get some helps with the PC.


GMAIL Sekarang Aktifkan Settingan Default HTTPS

Posted by agitsan2008 | 1/13/2010 10:50:00 PM | , | 1 comments »

gmail enable https

Sekarang layanan publik email punya google yang bernama gmail mengaktifkan default settingan https , kalo dolo taon 2008 saat pertama kali google menerapkan settingan https di gmail, hanya bersifat pilihan saja. Karena dengan adanya fasilitas ini kamu bisa aman dari penyadapan saat menggunakan fasilitas internet WIFI ini sisi positif menggunakan https, sisi jeleknya ya tentu saja koneksi email jadi super duper lemotnya minta ampun, kayak akses paypal gitulah , tau sendirikan!!!. Katanya keputusan ini telah melalui berbagai perundingan bahwa keamanan adalah nomor satu. Jadi inget temen2 yang kemaren abis kena hack email sekaligus paypalnya, ini bisa membantu kalee.

Pengaturan https bisa di setting sesuai keinginan pemilik , mau pake https terus ato enggak, terserah ente . Caranya disini nich
"go to Gmail's settings page, select Don't always use https and click on "Save changes"
, ya itu katanya kalo mo disable https. By the way aku juga belum nyobain, yang udah bisa nyoba fasilitas ini komen di sini yachhh......



IPod games to play

Posted by agitsan2008 | 1/09/2010 01:19:00 PM | | 0 comments »

Games for the iPod touch are designed to take advantage of the built-in technologies such as accelerometer, Multi-Touch, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The result is a truly immersive game whether you play alone or with others in multiplayer mode. And with an App Store, which offers thousands of games ready to download and play, its fun iPod Touch never ends and gets it better in iPod Repair Service. You don’t have worry because it is also for iPhone Repair Service.

The new 32GB and 64GB iPod touch models are equipped with better performance and support for OpenGL ES version 2.0, which allows developers to create games with better graphics. Then, The Game noticeably faster, and you experience richer, more realistic textures and details. Make your iPod Touch even more amazing with the App Store and also iPod Repair. All you need is a Wi-Fi connection Browse more than 100,000 applications and games and buy what you want with just one touch.

Games for the iPod touch are designed to take advantage of the built-in technologies such as accelerometer, Multi-Touch, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The result is a truly immersive game, if you play alone or with others in multiplayer mode. And with an App Store, which offers thousands of games ready to download and play, its fun iPod Touch never ends. Make your iPod Touch even more amazing with the App Store. All you need is a Wi-Fi connection Browse more than 100,000 applications and games and buy what you want with just one touch.
